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Current Range: 25 / 35 / (3495699 - 3495753)

3495699. IJsvogels
Common Kingfisher) IJsvogel (Alcedo atthis) 28-02-2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 650mm Iso400 F5.6 1/1000s 1/3. Common Kingfisher) IJsvogel (Alcedo atthis) 31-01-2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 600mm Iso400 F5.6 1/640s. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 650mm Iso400 F5.6 1/640s. Common Kingfisher) IJsvogel (Alcedo atthis) 23-01-2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 700mm Iso400 F5.6 1/320s 2/3. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 600mm Iso400 F5.6 1/200s 1. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495701. Genten & Alken
Zeekoet (Uria aalge) 15-06-2012 Helgoland. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso200 1/250s F6.3 2/3. Jan-van-Gent (Morus bassanus) 13-06-2012 Helgoland. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/2500s F6.3 -2/3. Jan-van-Gent (Morus bassanus) 10-06-2012 Helgoland. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @Iso400 1/2000s F6.3 2/3. Jan-van-Gent (Morus bassanus) 10-06-2012 Helgoland. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/2000s F6.3 2/3. Jan-van-Gent (Morus bassanus) 15-06-2012 Helgoland. Jan-van-Gent (Morus bassanus) 12-06-2012 Helgoland.
3495703. Klauwieren
Klapekster (Lanius excubitor) 24-03-2012 Veendam. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/1250s F6.3 2/3. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/2000s F6.3 -1/3. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495705. Kraaien
Spotted Nutcracker) Notenkraker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) 01-11-2008 Delfzijl. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 F5.6 1/125s. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495707. Fazantachtigen
Common Quail) Kwartel (Coturnix coturnix) 05-06-2013 Oldambt. Nikon D300S Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/320s F5.6 -1/3. Nikon D300S Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/250s F5.6 -1/3. Patrijs (Perdix perdix) 03-04-2012 Westerwolde. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/500s F7.1. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495709. Kwikstaarten
White Wagtail) Witte Kwikstaart (Motacilla alba) 21-04-2015 Onnerpolder. Nikon D300s Sigma300-800mm @ 800mm Iso400 F5.6 1/1600s 1/3. Nikon D300s Sigma300-800mm @ 800mm Iso400 F5.6 1/1600s 1/3. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495711. Vliegenvangers, Lijsters & Boomklevers
Vliegenvangers, Lijsters and Boomklevers. Bluethroat) Roodsterblauwborst (Luscinia svecica svecica) Juni 2015 Blijham. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 800mm Iso400 F5.6 1/250s 2/3. Whinchat) Paapje (Saxicola rubetra) 06-09-2014 Onnerpolder. Nikon D300s Sigma 300/800 mm @ 480mm Iso400 F5.6 1/500s 1/3. Nikon D300s Sigma 300/800 mm @ 480mm Iso400 F5.6 1/500s 1/3. Nikon D300s Sigma 300/800 mm @ 480mm Iso400 F5.6 1/500s 1/3. Nikon D300s Sigma 300/800 mm @ 480mm Iso400 F5.6 1/400s 1/3.
3495713. Andere links
Bordercolliekennel d'Ambrises and Whitemoorborders. Mark Schuurman Rein Hofman Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495715. Meeuwen & Sterns
Mew Gull) Stormmeeuw (Larus canus) 21-02-2015 Termunten. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 650mm Iso400 F6.3 1/640s 1 2/3. Gull-billed Tern) Lachstern (Gelochelidon nilotica) 27-07-2014 Pekela. Nikon D300s Sigma 300/800mm @ 800mm Iso400 F5.6 1/1250s 1 1/3. European Herring Gull) Zilvermeeuw (Larus argentatus) 20-12-2014 Termunten. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 800mm Iso400 F13 1/320s 2/3. European Herring Gull) Zilvermeeuw (Larus argentatus) 14-09-2014 Oterdum. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495717. Mezen & Mussen
Bearded Reedling) Baardman (Panurus biarmicus) 09-03-2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma 300/800mm @ 650mm Iso400 F5.6 1/4000s. Bearded Reedling) Baardman (Panurus biarmicus) 27-09-2014 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 700mm Iso400 F5.6 1/2500s. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 700mm Iso400 F5.6 1/2500s. Ringmus (Passer montanus) 13-04-2009 Oldambt. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/250s F6.3 -1/3. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495719. Piepers & Zangers
Siberische Braamsluiper (Sylvia curruca blythi) Eemshaven 26-12-2013. Nikon D300S Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso500 1/40s F5.6 -1/3. Meadow Pipit) Graspieper (Anthus pratensis) 24-05-2013 Oldambt. Nikon D300S Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/200s F6.3. Meadow Pipit) Graspieper (Anthus pratensis) 07-06-2011 Oldambt. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso500 F5.6 1/160s. Meadow Pipit) Graspieper (Anthus pratensis) 10-05-2010 Oldambt. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/640s F6.3 -1/3. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495721. Recente Foto's
Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495723. Reigers & Ooievaars
Grey Heron) Blauwe Reiger (Ardea cinerea) 26-04-2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 600mm Iso400 F6.3 1/250s. Black Stork) Zwarte Ooievaar (Ciconia nigra) 20-08-2014 Termunten. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 800mm F5.6 Iso400 1/320s 12/3. Western Cattle Egret) Koereiger (Bubulcus ibis) 22-12-2013 Bellingwedde. Nikon D300s Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/200s F5.6 -1/3. Nikon D300s Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/640s F5.6 -1/3. Kleine Zilverreiger (Egretta garzetta) 18-08-2011 Groningen.
3495725. Roofvogels & Uilen
Montagu’s Harrier) Grauwe Kiekendief (Circus pygargus) Augustus 2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 20m 800mm Iso640 F5.6 1/50s 1/3. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 32m 800mm Iso400 F5.6 1/400s 2/3. Montagu’s Harrier) Grauwe Kiekendief (Circus pygargus) Juli 2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 800mm Iso400 F5.6 1/640s 2/3. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 750mm Iso400 F5.6 1/800s 2/3. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 800mm Iso640 F8 1/1600s 1. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 800mm Iso640 F8 1/1600s 1.
3495727. Spechten
Eurasian Wryneck) Draaihals (Jynx torquilla) 29-08-2013 Woudbloem. Nikon D300S Sigma500F4.5 @ Iso 400 F6.3 1/500s 1/3. Nikon D300S Sigma 500F4.5 @ Iso400 F6.3 1/800s. Nikon D300S Sigma 500F4.5 @ Iso400 F6.3 1/800s. Nikon D300S Sigma 500F4.5 @ Iso400 F6.3 1/400s 1/3. Nikon D300S Sigma 500F4.5 @ Iso400 F6.3 1/400s. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495729. Steltlopers
Sanderling) Drieteenstrandloper (Calidris alba) 02-03-2012 Oldambt. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 F6.3 1/400s 1. Common Snipe) Watersnip (Gallinago gallinago) 14-06-2014 Oostpolder. Nikon D300s Sigma 300/800mm @ 800mm Iso400 F5.6 1/640s 1. Common Sandpiper) Oeverloper (Actitis hypoleucos) 15-08-2014 Termunten. Nikon D300s Sigma 300/800mm @ 800mm Iso400 F5.6 1/1250s 2/3. Recurvirostra avosetta) Kluut (Pied Avocet) 11-06-2014 Polder Breebaart. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 F6.3 1/2000s -1/3.
3495731. Vliegtuigen & Helicopters
Pitts Special Airshow Oostwold 24-05-2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 500mm Iso200 F14 1/250s 2/3. Jurgen Krauss Harvard D-FUKK Airshow Oostwold 24-05-2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 800mm Iso200 F13 1/250s 2/3. Tiger Moth Airshow Oostwold 2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 350mm Iso200 F16 1/250s 2/3. Hawker Hurricane Airshow Oostwold 25-05-2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 55. 0mm Iso200 F16 1/250s 1. Spitfire Mk IX Airshow Oostwold 25-05-2015 Oldambt. Eurocopter E...
3495733. Zoogdieren
Haas (Lepus europaeus) 11-06-2014 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 800mm Iso400 F5.6 1/1250s 2/3. Roe Deer) Ree (Capreolus capreolus) Oldambt 29-07-2013. Nikon D300S Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/1250s F7.1. Gewone zeehond (Phoca vitulina) 14-06-2012 Düne. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @Iso 400 1/2000s F8 1/3. Gewone zeehond (Phoca vitulina) 14-06-2012 Düne. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 1/1600s F8 1/3. Haas (Lepus europaeus) 09-05-2011 Oldambt. Nikon D80 Sigma500 F4.5 @ Iso400 F6.3 1/160s.
3495735. Zwaluwen
Barn Swallow) Boerenzwaluw (Hirundo rustica) 12-07-2015 Oldambt. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 550mm Iso400 F8 1/250s 1/3. Nikon D300s Sigma300/800mm @ 700mm Iso640 F5.6 1/500s 1/3. Abonneren op: Berichten (Atom).
3495737. Nature watching, birds, insect, animals
Nature watching, birds, insect, animals. Sunday, January 4, 2009. Cute but rude. Funny owl. Labels: Cute but rude. Friday, August 29, 2008. Squirrel Cuckoo, Piaya cayana. The Squirrel Cuckoo, Piaya cayana, is a near-passerine. Is a resident breeding bird from northwestern Mexico. There are a number of subspecies. With minor plumage variations. For example, P. c. mehleri, a South American. Form, has a brown-and-white banded tail. It makes explosive kip! It feeds on large insects. Rarely taking fruit [1].
3495738. - Registered at
This domain is registered at Namecheap. This domain was recently registered at Namecheap. Please check back later! This domain is registered at Namecheap. This domain was recently registered at Namecheap. Please check back later! The Sponsored Listings displayed above are served automatically by a third party. Neither Parkingcrew nor the domain owner maintain any relationship with the advertisers.
3495739. birdsandothergods
Written by Christos Polydorou. January 12, 2017. London weather defies impulse, so you simply must plan ahead. For example, I wished to go to a museum and look at paintings tomorrow, so I googled the weather. I said, Ok Google, What will the weather be like tomorrow? Rain and snow is expected in London tomorrow with temperatures between six and zero degrees. […]. Written by Christos Polydorou. January 9, 2017. Written by Christos Polydorou. January 3, 2017. January 3, 2017. What’s for tea, dear? Olives a...
3495740. Birds and owls - Blog
DIY Maak zelf een bloem van stof. En daar is hij dan: de eerste DIY blog van de Webwinkelhelden! En een hele simpele! Een leuke DIY zodat je je eigen bloem kan gaan maken! Een bloem die je straks kan maken als decoratie voor op een tas. Of op een haarspeldje. Of om een tashanger. Mee te maken, een leuke ring, een sleutelhanger. Of een haarband. Genoeg mogelijkheden dus, snel aan de slag! Klik op de foto's voor een grotere versie). Neem nu een rondje en vouw hem dubbel zoals op de foto. Je kan ook gewoon ...
3495741. Birds and Pancakes | Birds, pancakes, and everything in between…
Birds, pancakes, and everything in between…. Skip to primary content. Skip to secondary content. Reality check in La-La Land – This season is gonna be ugly…. July 5, 2013. In the three years since the Lakers beat the Celtics in the 2010 NBA finals, we’ve seen LA make three pathetic exits from the NBA Playoffs. The 2011 sweep by the Mavs was horrific, the 2012 dismantling by the Thunder was disheartening, and the recent 2013 sweep by the Spurs was outright sad. It’s time for a makeover. 5) You’re about $2...
3495742. || COMING SOON
C O M I N G . S O O N -.
3495743. Birds and Paradise Home
Things to do in Cuernavaca. Birds and Paradise Bed and Breakfast, forever after affectionately called B&P, is located just 3 miles north of the heart of Cuernavaca, Morelos. See our approximate location on Google Maps here. The house sits on 4 landscaped acres, completely gated with 4 different gardens which lead down to a river and waterfall. B&P is a large Spanish colonial style Villa, exquisitely decorated to match the style of this warm and inviting architecture. Inese and George Laivinieks.
3495744. Loros y otras aves Lloros i altres aus Parrots and other birds
Loros y otras aves Lloros i altres aus Parrots and other birds. Domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012. Un periquito japonés da su dirección a la policía y puede volver a casa. Http:/ 2012050400012.html. Lost budgie recites his address and is reunited with owner:. Http:/ Jueves, 26 de julio de 2012. C/ Burgos, 56.
3495745. The domain name is registered
3495746. Birds and People
Personliga möten med fåglar, människor och natur. Pärlugglehonan spänner ögonen i mej när jag kollar holken som hon häckar i. Orrviken 22 juli 2010.
3495747. Birds and People - Die Webseite zum Kinofilm - Home
Ganz verrückt auf Vögel. Bdquo;Birds and People – Ganz verrückt auf Vögel“ ist eine Entdeckungsreise zu Menschen, die sich beruflich, ehrenamtlich oder privat mit Deutschlands wilden Vögeln beschäftigen. Die bunte Mischung aus Wissenschaftlern, Forschern, Künstlern und Naturbegeisterten zeigt, dass Deutschlands Vogelwelt und Deutschlands Vogelliebhaber gleichermaßen äußerst vielschichtig sind…. Ob es sich um das Kamera-Versteck im heimischen Garten handelt oder um eigens installierte Lichtschranken: Dem ...
3495748. - This website is for sale! - birdsandpeople Resources and Information.
The domain May be for sale by its owner! This webpage was generated by the domain owner using Sedo Domain Parking. Disclaimer: Sedo maintains no relationship with third party advertisers. Reference to any specific service or trade mark is not controlled by Sedo nor does it constitute or imply its association, endorsement or recommendation.
3495749. Welcome to East Rand Pet Shop
East Rand Pet Shop. With over 20 years of experience in the bird and pet industry, we strive to give our customers accurate information and efficient service. Based in Kempton Park, we are ideally located being only a few minutes drive from OR Tambo International Airport and numerous major regional highways. East rand Pet shop are stockists of major pet product brands including:. Marltons and many more. Our pet stock includes puppies, hamsters, chinchillas, rabbits, baby birds, exotic birds and water fowl.
This domain has recently been listed in the marketplace. Please click here to inquire.
3495751. Birds and Pie
3495752. birds and planes
Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). The south, United States. A gypsy-blooded collector of all things. View my complete profile.
3495753. index
Plantas e Pássaros:. Duas paixões para. Aqui se regista e comenta. Tudo o que é fascinante,. Por pequeno e particular. Two passions to share. Will be reported, however. Small and particular it. Orchids / Orquídeas. Est laborum tempor consequat aliqua. Est amet ex eu ex! Reprehenderit non id in reprehenderit ex irure. Commodo est veniam eiusmod ipsum, consequat est elit ut proident veniam commodo? Veranda Plants / Plantas na Varanda. Est laborum tempor consequat aliqua. Est amet ex eu ex! Reprehenderit te...