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Thursday, March 3, 2011. These 2 days is the most bad days i ever had in my life. Emmm semalam je kad atm aku kena telan dgn damn mesin atm. Siot jerrrr da 2 3 kje aku kena wat.kol 2 bank sbb kad atm aku xsma dgn atm machine tu.eiiii. Emm da tu rini de presentation tuk product design. WTF bile kite working on something for the past 3 weeks n dat person simply rejected it n said " ini kerja bru smlm wat. pemalas diorang ni. Wat d hell is dat? Eiiii tension tol,laaaa.meluat.meluat.meluat. Wait n see rrrrrr.














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sUpeRbLaCkYrOsEs | hanna1989.blogspot.com Reviews
Thursday, March 3, 2011. These 2 days is the most bad days i ever had in my life. Emmm semalam je kad atm aku kena telan dgn damn mesin atm. Siot jerrrr da 2 3 kje aku kena wat.kol 2 bank sbb kad atm aku xsma dgn atm machine tu.eiiii. Emm da tu rini de presentation tuk product design. WTF bile kite working on something for the past 3 weeks n dat person simply rejected it n said ini kerja bru smlm wat. pemalas diorang ni. Wat d hell is dat? Eiiii tension tol,laaaa.meluat.meluat.meluat. Wait n see rrrrrr.
1 superblackyroses
2 welcome text
3 arghhhhhhhh hyper tension
4 hate it
5 hahahahaha
6 posted by
7 sue hanna
8 1 comment
9 email this
10 blogthis
Page content here
superblackyroses,welcome text,arghhhhhhhh hyper tension,hate it,hahahahaha,posted by,sue hanna,1 comment,email this,blogthis,share to twitter,share to facebook,share to pinterest,sungai gabai,hahahaha,no comments,tuhan sayangkan aku,aminnn,geram,jgn tipu2

sUpeRbLaCkYrOsEs | hanna1989.blogspot.com Reviews


Thursday, March 3, 2011. These 2 days is the most bad days i ever had in my life. Emmm semalam je kad atm aku kena telan dgn damn mesin atm. Siot jerrrr da 2 3 kje aku kena wat.kol 2 bank sbb kad atm aku xsma dgn atm machine tu.eiiii. Emm da tu rini de presentation tuk product design. WTF bile kite working on something for the past 3 weeks n dat person simply rejected it n said " ini kerja bru smlm wat. pemalas diorang ni. Wat d hell is dat? Eiiii tension tol,laaaa.meluat.meluat.meluat. Wait n see rrrrrr.


hanna1989.blogspot.com hanna1989.blogspot.com

sUpeRbLaCkYrOsEs: mandi-manda bersama coursemate..cOOL..hehe


Friday, February 18, 2011. Mandi-manda bersama coursemate.cOOL.hehe. Okey guys, kali ni memang syok giler.emm dpt mandi air terjun.maybe orang akn ckp eleh stakat mandi air trjun pon kecoh.i dont cre! Hehe ape yg syok kali ni sbb aku bkn mandi sorang2.tp dgn coursemate aku. Fuyyohhh meriah gilerr.i like very2 much.hehehe. Slama ni asyik plan je kn nk g sna laaa.nk g sni laaa.tp, xpenah jd. Kali ni mmg jd hbs.n almost evryone join cuti2 kali ni. Kitorag pon pakat2 bahagi barag tuk piknik laa kn. Dri kan k...


sUpeRbLaCkYrOsEs: February 2011


Friday, February 18, 2011. Mandi-manda bersama coursemate.cOOL.hehe. Okey guys, kali ni memang syok giler.emm dpt mandi air terjun.maybe orang akn ckp eleh stakat mandi air trjun pon kecoh.i dont cre! Hehe ape yg syok kali ni sbb aku bkn mandi sorang2.tp dgn coursemate aku. Fuyyohhh meriah gilerr.i like very2 much.hehehe. Slama ni asyik plan je kn nk g sna laaa.nk g sni laaa.tp, xpenah jd. Kali ni mmg jd hbs.n almost evryone join cuti2 kali ni. Kitorag pon pakat2 bahagi barag tuk piknik laa kn. Dri kan k...


sUpeRbLaCkYrOsEs: March 2011


Thursday, March 3, 2011. These 2 days is the most bad days i ever had in my life. Emmm semalam je kad atm aku kena telan dgn damn mesin atm. Siot jerrrr da 2 3 kje aku kena wat.kol 2 bank sbb kad atm aku xsma dgn atm machine tu.eiiii. Emm da tu rini de presentation tuk product design. WTF bile kite working on something for the past 3 weeks n dat person simply rejected it n said " ini kerja bru smlm wat. pemalas diorang ni. Wat d hell is dat? Eiiii tension tol,laaaa.meluat.meluat.meluat. Wait n see rrrrrr.


sUpeRbLaCkYrOsEs: arghh...tension...


Tuesday, February 8, 2011. Emm sejak balik drpd bercuti.sakit kpala dtg mnyerang.emmm.da 2arini. Setiap mlm telan panadol kot. Aiyoomungkinkah cuaca memainkn peranan? Aiii bdn.jgn,laaa sakit. Byk bnd nk kena buat ni. 2ari stat kls mcm2 keje kena wat.hehehe.tu,la wat las minit lg. Sendri tanggung laa kn. Pening2.kje dtg bertubi2.lom stat lab lg. Sem ni mcm ssh jer subjek2 yg ade. Leh cover ke tuk final? Takut nye biler pkir sal ni.emmm. Xnk rrr cmni kn.tp tu,la. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom).


sUpeRbLaCkYrOsEs: ARGHHHHHHHH hyper tension!!!!!!


Thursday, March 3, 2011. These 2 days is the most bad days i ever had in my life. Emmm semalam je kad atm aku kena telan dgn damn mesin atm. Siot jerrrr da 2 3 kje aku kena wat.kol 2 bank sbb kad atm aku xsma dgn atm machine tu.eiiii. Emm da tu rini de presentation tuk product design. WTF bile kite working on something for the past 3 weeks n dat person simply rejected it n said " ini kerja bru smlm wat. pemalas diorang ni. Wat d hell is dat? Eiiii tension tol,laaaa.meluat.meluat.meluat. Wait n see rrrrrr.





cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: Julai 2011


Rabu, 27 Julai 2011. Pada suatu hari, ada seorang pemuda sedang mengecat bangunan yang tinggi, pada ketika itu dia sedang mengecat bahagian luat tingkat 24. Biasalah dia berdiri atas papan dua keping aje. Tiba-tiba ade sorang kawan tu menjerit dari dalam bangunan " Ali, anak engkau cedera parah kene langgar kereta". Pemuda tu terkejut beru . Rabu, Julai 27, 2011. Isnin, 25 Julai 2011. 1)Dia Tidak Senang Duduk. Itu adalah petanda yang perlu diberi tindakan segera. Sewaktu berbicara dengannya, walaupun and...

cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: April 2012


Ahad, 22 April 2012. Tudung Bawal 3 tone murah! Tudung bawal 3 tone. 10 helai-Rm120 termasuk pos. 20 helai-Rm 250 termasuk pos. A) pilih dari katalog warna. B) emailkn di email nor syafinaz@yahoo.com untuk order anda. D) pengeposan dijalankan pada hari selasa dan khamis. Ahad, April 22, 2012. By cokletzice bawal 3 tone. Jumaat, 13 April 2012. Tudung Bawal 2 tone murah! Disini disertakan gambar dan harga tudung. 10 helai-Rm90 termasuk pos. 20 helai-Rm180 termasuk pos. A) Pilih dari katalog warna.

cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: April 2011


Selasa, 26 April 2011. 4 pErKarA yg KorG pTut Tau SaL AkuE. 1 x suke makan ubat. Hahayg ni msti korg sume gelakkn ak,yela mane tak nye mkn ubat pil 2 yg kecik nk mapus 2 pn susah gler.hak3.lau panadol 2 kne ptah 2 bru leh mkn.tu pn stelah dipakse bberapa kali.sometimes trtelan lagi nsib bek,xde rase ubt yg phit 2.lau kat umah 2 siap wat hancur gne lesung batu mak ak 2 semata-mata nak perhaluskan lagi ubat 2 supaya senang nak masuk lam mlut ak.haha. 2 x suke bila org tipu aku. 4 suke makan kek coklat.

cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: Oktober 2011


Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011. Kisah budak 2 tahun digilis van di China. Ini video tentang budak umo 2 tahun tu.mmg kejam gler org yang langgar tu.bile ak tengok video ni aku tak tau nak cakap pe.so,korg tgk je la video ni k.then komen. Memang tragis gler bile korg tgk video ni kan.msti korg akan fikir napela orang yang lalu kat situ tak de sorg pn yang tolong.memang tak berperikemanusiaan langsung. Untuk tau yang lebih lanjut korg bace kat bawah ni k.sume persoalan tu akan terjawab. Korang yang nak pergi ke Chi...

cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: September 2011


Jumaat, 30 September 2011. Hehearini memang kebosanan tahap gaban,mane taknye kat umah ni haa x de orang langsung.aku plak malas nak kuar nak2 time hujan.haha.actually malas tu pnyebab.padahal banyak benda kne setelkan.nak kena bayar broadband la,nak kene amik duit nak bayar umah sewa lagi.huhu.bile malas da menyelubungi diri 2 la jadinya. Yela korg tau je la kan aku ni cmne.bab tempat2 menarik ni aku mmg fail.disebabkn itulah kteorg kuar then lepak kat KLCC jer.haha.yela,aku slalu kuar p...Bkn byak sgt ...

cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: Februari 2011


Khamis, 17 Februari 2011. Hepi BesdaY To My MOM. Hepi besday to u,. Hepi besday 2 u. Hepi besday to mak,. Hepi besday 2 u. Luv u mom.4 ever n ever.muah3. Genapla mak usia 52 thun.hehe.luv u2.kakak syg mak sgt2. Smoge mak pnjg umo n dimurahkan rezeki.dapat semua ape yg mak hajatkan. Semoga Allah merahmati mak.amin. Khamis, Februari 17, 2011. Sesi bergmbar diadakn bg mngisi msa lapang mnuggu saat2 ketibaan sesiapa yg x smpai ag.hoho. Ak,huda n sue da cop nek kete taha.haha.huda smgt gler.ish3. Hari tu kte ...

cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: Mei 2011


Selasa, 31 Mei 2011. Huhukasi gempak sket ye pnye tjuk.jalan cter 2 opkosla da jadi merapu.haha.mcmla x knl ak ni.cter suke je duk merapu.anyway,skang ni ak da berada di rumah,my sweet home.walaweh.hik3.setelah berpenat lelah pi EDMAT aritu slame sminggu.penat gler.hari2 men games,men games hari2.smpai gelap da ak nih.haha.padahal memang da gelap pn.hak3.saje nk cover sket.huhu. Selasa, Mei 31, 2011. Jumaat, 20 Mei 2011. Bak kata pepetah, Rumahku Syurgaku.huhu.mmg btl pn.rse tenang jer ble br...Yg kat se...

cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: Januari 2011


Selasa, 25 Januari 2011. SuZuki SwIfT VS MiNi CoOpER! Perghhh.hbt gler.hihi. Selasa, Januari 25, 2011. Bkn byak sgt yg blh dikongsikn bersama. dua,tiga kerat blh la kot.he3x. FINAZ. seorg yg x ksh brkwn ngn sape2 pn. seorg yg hepy go lucky. de org ckp ye ni seorg yg no feeling.ahakz. yg pling dbnci org yg ske tpu diri ye. klu x thu xpela,da thu bnci seumr hidup.hu3. Lihat profil lengkap saya. Tutorial Untuk Blog Tips Blogspot. Bunga Dan Taman ♥. DiARi sEoRAnG rEMaJA : . SuZuki SwIfT VS MiNi CoOpER!

cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: Oktober 2010


Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010. Kan dh kate, Xleh ubah. Nak ubah cmne? Try kabo gak. Cenang ke? Bukan tu cm prangai? Ke da tempat latihan y leh ubah? Sabtu, Oktober 30, 2010. Jumaat, 15 Oktober 2010. Jumaat, Oktober 15, 2010. Lihat profil lengkap saya. Tutorial Untuk Blog Tips Blogspot. Bunga Dan Taman ♥. DiARi sEoRAnG rEMaJA : . 160;ORg Duk SkodEng. Templat Tetingkap Gambar. Gambar templat oleh selensergen.

cokletzice.blogspot.com cokletzice.blogspot.com

FiNaZ pUnYer BeLoG: Ogos 2010


Ahad, 1 Ogos 2010. Pe yg lebih pntg? Bile berkasih,org ckp kte pasti akn lupakan kwn kite.btl ke statement 2? Ahad, Ogos 01, 2010. Bkn byak sgt yg blh dikongsikn bersama. dua,tiga kerat blh la kot.he3x. FINAZ. seorg yg x ksh brkwn ngn sape2 pn. seorg yg hepy go lucky. de org ckp ye ni seorg yg no feeling.ahakz. yg pling dbnci org yg ske tpu diri ye. klu x thu xpela,da thu bnci seumr hidup.hu3. Lihat profil lengkap saya. Tutorial Untuk Blog Tips Blogspot. Bunga Dan Taman ♥. DiARi sEoRAnG rEMaJA : .






hanna179.persianblog.ir hanna179.persianblog.ir

دارالشفاء غریب نواز

متن ادبی درباره ی امام رضا. متن ادبی درباره ی امام رضا ( ع ). تکان تکان می خورد حس بی زبان قلم . تکه تکه خال می کوبد. 1587;ه‌شنبه ٢٩ بهمن ،۱۳٩٢ ] [ ۳:٢٤ ‎ب.ظ ] [ نظرات . نذری دخترک برای زائران امام. خانم خادم پرسید: این چیه؟ 1587;ه‌شنبه ٢٩ بهمن ،۱۳٩٢ ] [ ۳:٢۱ ‎ب.ظ ] [ نظرات . متن ادبی درباره ی امام رضا. نذری دخترک برای زائران امام. نذری دخترک برای زائران امام(۱). متن ادبی دباره ی امام رضا(۱). پنل اس ام اس. طراحی : پرشین اسکین. Weblog Themes By : Persian skin.

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hanna1852's blog - hanaa x_girl - Skyrock.com

More options ▼. Subscribe to my blog. Created: 11/08/2012 at 10:38 AM. Updated: 17/04/2013 at 9:18 AM. Don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by Skyrock's 'General Terms of Use' and that you can be identified by your IP address ( if someone makes a complaint. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Posted on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 at 9:18 AM. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Posted on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 9:48 AM. Please ...

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T.L. Hanna High School

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T L Hanna

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hanna1981.bloggo.nu hanna1981.bloggo.nu


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hanna1989.blogspot.com hanna1989.blogspot.com


Thursday, March 3, 2011. These 2 days is the most bad days i ever had in my life. Emmm semalam je kad atm aku kena telan dgn damn mesin atm. Siot jerrrr da 2 3 kje aku kena wat.kol 2 bank sbb kad atm aku xsma dgn atm machine tu.eiiii. Emm da tu rini de presentation tuk product design. WTF bile kite working on something for the past 3 weeks n dat person simply rejected it n said " ini kerja bru smlm wat. pemalas diorang ni. Wat d hell is dat? Eiiii tension tol,laaaa.meluat.meluat.meluat. Wait n see rrrrrr.

hanna1991.skyrock.com hanna1991.skyrock.com

Hanna1991's blog - Mon blog - Skyrock.com

Hi salut tout le monde. 24/05/2008 at 1:09 AM. 25/06/2008 at 4:44 AM. Subscribe to my blog! Add this video to my blog. Vpolà ma chanteuse préférée: Amel Bent. Don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by Skyrock's 'General Terms of Use' and that you can be identified by your IP address ( if someone makes a complaint. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Posted on Wednesday, 25 June 2008 at 4:30 AM. Edited on Wednesday, 25 June 2008 at 4:44 AM. Où l'amour se...

hanna1c8.blogspot.com hanna1c8.blogspot.com

Hanna1 ^,..,^

23 feb. 2012. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance (Skrillex Remix). Send dette via e-post. 31 des. 2011. Today it's the 01.01 2012! I have so much I want to show you this year, And it's been like. almost a year since I started English MSP! That is awesome. Lawl! I hope you had a great time this year, and I hope you will have a great time in 2012 too. ;D. I know everyone is excitied about the last episode of "Me .". And I'm soon finish with it. You just have to wait a bit. So here it's a pic:. ONE THING BEFORE YOU GO:.

hanna1holland.wordpress.com hanna1holland.wordpress.com

The amazing and fantastic nerd realm | Books are everything and BBC is amazing

The amazing and fantastic nerd realm. Books are everything and BBC is amazing. July 13, 2013. I feel so bad. I’ve been neglecting my blog for so long. SO, SO SORRY. Anyway. How’s your summer been? It’s been okay so far, and I just got back from camp joy. I don’t feel like explaining, but if you look it up, it’s really greuling and tiring and exhausting. But we’re doing good. Anyway, has anyone seen the new superman? Gravity’s keepin me down, man. The saturday after hump day: RUMP DAYYYYYYYYYY. I am takin...

hanna20.blogfa.com hanna20.blogfa.com

گو نا گون

سلام به وب من خیلی خوش اومدید. حنا دوشنبه پنجم تیر 1391. متن اهنگ som one like you. I heard that your settled down. شنیدم که یه جایی رو واسه موندن پیدا کردی. That you found a girl and your married now. اینکه با دختری آشنا شدی و حالا دیگه با هم ازدواج کردین. I heard that your dreams came true. شنیدم رویاهات به حقیقت پیوستن. Guess she gave you things I didn’t give to you. حدس میزنم چیزایی رو بهت داده که من هیچوقت بهت ندادم. Old friend, why are you so shy. دوست قدیمی، چرا انقدر خجالت میکشی؟ یه وقتایی عشق هم...

hanna2002.deviantart.com hanna2002.deviantart.com

Hanna2002 (Hanna) - DeviantArt

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