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English Greenpeace International – Heart of the Amazon – Save the Heart of the Amazon

English Greenpeace International – Heart of the Amazon. Save the heart of the Amazon. The Indigenous Munduruku people have been fighting for the right to protect their traditional lands in the Amazon for decades - and this month. The Brazilian government could finally decide their case. If the Munduruku win, they will be able to protect. The heart of the Amazon from a series of monster dams that would otherwise flood the area - destroying ancestral lands and rare wildlife. Stand with the Munduruku. Hydro...














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English Greenpeace International – Heart of the Amazon – Save the Heart of the Amazon | heartoftheamazon.org Reviews
English Greenpeace International – Heart of the Amazon. Save the heart of the Amazon. The Indigenous Munduruku people have been fighting for the right to protect their traditional lands in the Amazon for decades - and this month. The Brazilian government could finally decide their case. If the Munduruku win, they will be able to protect. The heart of the Amazon from a series of monster dams that would otherwise flood the area - destroying ancestral lands and rare wildlife. Stand with the Munduruku. Hydro...
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English Greenpeace International – Heart of the Amazon – Save the Heart of the Amazon | heartoftheamazon.org Reviews


English Greenpeace International – Heart of the Amazon. Save the heart of the Amazon. The Indigenous Munduruku people have been fighting for the right to protect their traditional lands in the Amazon for decades - and this month. The Brazilian government could finally decide their case. If the Munduruku win, they will be able to protect. The heart of the Amazon from a series of monster dams that would otherwise flood the area - destroying ancestral lands and rare wildlife. Stand with the Munduruku. Hydro...


en-uk.heartoftheamazon.org en-uk.heartoftheamazon.org

Greenpeace: Save the Heart of the Amazon – Stand with the Munduruku

Greenpeace: Save the Heart of the Amazon. Stand with the Munduruku. ZIP / Postal Code. Congo, Democratic Republic of the. Congo, Republic of the. Palestine, State of. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Sao Tome and Principe. Virgin Islands, British. Virgin Islands, U.S. If you leave your details, we'll keep you updated about our campaigns and other ways you can help. We'll never sell or swap your details and you can unsubscribe at any time - just check our privacy policy. Frequent a...

zh-hk.heartoftheamazon.org zh-hk.heartoftheamazon.org

香港 – 守護亞馬遜的心脈 – Greenpeace 綠色和平 – 守護亞馬遜的心脈

香港 – 守護亞馬遜的心脈 – Greenpeace 綠色和平. 跨國企業如西門子(Siemens)、通用電力(General Electric),熱切想要在 聖路易斯杜塔帕若斯水壩 São Luiz do Tapajós mega-dam 計劃中分一杯羹,不惜犧牲環境。 類似的大型水壩 貝羅蒙地巨型水壩 Belo Monte dam ,更陷入貪腐疑雲,讓參與興建水壩的企業聲譽蒙塵。

zh-tw.heartoftheamazon.org zh-tw.heartoftheamazon.org

臺灣 – 守護亞馬遜森林之心 – Greenpeace 綠色和平

臺灣 – 守護亞馬遜森林之心. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 跨國企業諸如西門子、通用電力,熱切想要加入 聖路易斯杜塔帕若斯水壩 São Luiz do Tapajós mega-dam 興建計劃,企業為了獲利,不惜犧牲環境。 今天,Munduruku族仍有12,000人在塔帕若斯河沿岸 Tapajós 生活。 相近的大型水壩,諸如 貝羅蒙地巨型水壩 Belo Monte dam ,陷入貪腐疑雲正遭受正式調查,也讓參與興建水壩的企業聲譽蒙塵。

en-au.heartoftheamazon.org en-au.heartoftheamazon.org

English AU – Heart of the Amazon – Save the Heart of the Amazon

English AU – Heart of the Amazon. Save the heart of the Amazon. The heart of the Amazon rainforest is at risk. There are dangerous plans to build a new mega-dam across one of the Amazon’s largest rivers - the Tapajos. If it goes ahead, the dam threatens to destroy Indigenous People’s homes and the unique biodiversity of the area. If thousands of us around the world take a stand with the Munduruku, we can send a clear message - the Brazilian government must protect the heart of the Amazon. The dam could a...

en-ca.heartoftheamazon.org en-ca.heartoftheamazon.org

English CA – Heart of the Amazon – Save the Heart of the Amazon

English CA – Heart of the Amazon. Stand with the Munduruku. The heart of the Amazon rainforest is under threat. A huge new mega-dam could flood an entire area around the Tapajos river, destroying the home of Indigenous People and rare wildlife. If thousands of people from countries around the globe take a stand with the Munduruku, we can build a human chain around their territory to send a strong message to the Brazilian government to protect the heart of the Amazon. Will you stand with the Munduruku?

ko.heartoftheamazon.org ko.heartoftheamazon.org

아마존의 심장을 지켜주세요 – 원주민 '문두루쿠'의 편이 되어주세요

문두루쿠족 원주민들은 한 달 안에 브라질 정부에게 영토를 정식으로 인정받아야만 그들의 고향을, 아마존의 심장을 지켜낼 수 있습니다. 거대한 괴물같은 초대형 댐들이 연달아 건설되면, 원주민들과 희귀 야생동물들의 서식지가 파괴되고 물에 잠겨버리게 됩니다. 하지만 전 세계 수십만 명의 사람들이 아마존의 파괴를 막기 위해 동참해주셨고, 그 결과 첫 번째 댐의 건설이 취소되었습니다. 이 승리는 시작일 뿐입니다. 더 많은 사람들이 서명에 동참하여 브라질 정부를 압박한다면, 아직 계획중인 나머지 댐들 역시 영원히 취소시킬 수 있습니다. 모두가 지켜보고 있다면, 함부로 아마존을 파괴할 수 없을 것입니다. 문두루쿠족과 함께 아마존의 심장을 지켜주세요! 개인정보 제공에 동의하며 그린피스의 캠페인 및 후원 관련 소식을 받겠습니다. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 파괴로 만들어진 에너지는 친환경 클린 에너지가 아닙니다. 환경을 파괴...

nl-be.heartoftheamazon.org nl-be.heartoftheamazon.org

Nederlands BE – Hart van de Amazone – Sla het hart van de Amazone

Nederlands BE – Hart van de Amazone. Red het hart van de Amazone. De tijd dringt: over minder dan een maand horen de Munduruku of de Braziliaanse regering hun rechten zal geven over hun land - en het hart van de Amazone beschermen. Kies jij ook de kant van de Munduruku? Help de Munduruku het hart van de Amazone te beschermen! Als je je gevens invult, zal je op de hoogte worden gehouden van onze campagne. We zullen je gegevens nooit delen met derden, en je kan je op elk ogenblik uitschrijven. Voor de aanl...

it.heartoftheamazon.org it.heartoftheamazon.org

Heart of The Amazon IT – Greenpeace Italia

Heart of The Amazon IT. Il cuore della Foresta Amazzonica e gli indigeni Munduruku sono minacciati da dozzine di progetti per la costruzione di dighe idroelettriche. La foresta che ricopre la valle del fiume Tapajós rischia di essere distrutta. E’ un momento decisivo! Governo Brasiliano di riconoscere agli indigeni Munduruku l'autorità su queste terre e garantire per sempre la loro protezione! This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Il territorio dei Munduruku. I Munduruku son...

fr-be.heartoftheamazon.org fr-be.heartoftheamazon.org

Français BE – Coeur de l'Amazonie – Sauvez le coeur de l'Amazonie

Français BE – Coeur de l'Amazonie. Sauvez le cœur de l’Amazonie! Le temps presse : dans moins d’un mois, les Mundurukus, peuple d’Amazonie, sauront si le gouvernement brésilien leur accordera les droits sur leurs propres terres ancestrales. Si c’est le cas, cela leur permettra de protéger le cœur de l’Amazonie. Aidez le peuple munduruku à sauver le cœur de l’Amazonie! Date de naissance *. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Du fait de ces tragiques incidences environnement...

fr-ca.heartoftheamazon.org fr-ca.heartoftheamazon.org

Français CA – Coeur de l'Amazonie – Enregistrez le coeur de l'Amazonie

Français CA – Coeur de l'Amazonie. Stand with the Munduruku. The heart of the Amazon rainforest is under threat. A huge new mega-dam could flood an entire area around the Tapajos river, destroying the home of Indigenous People and rare wildlife. If thousands of people from countries around the globe take a stand with the Munduruku, we can build a human chain around their territory to send a strong message to the Brazilian government to protect the heart of the Amazon. Will you stand with the Munduruku?


greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

2013: Boom or bust year for the energy revolution? | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. Renewable energy...

greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

Sweet success for Kit Kat campaign: you asked, Nestlé has answered | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. A big 'Thank You!

greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

Climate Change | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. Our climate is t...

greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

Monsanto files patent for new invention: the pig | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. In the crop depa...

greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

130 metres high in Busan, South Korea | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. By Jun Kwon Song.

greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

Point of No Return | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. The costs will b...

greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

Get involved | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. More ways to help.

greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

Timeline: How we convinced Facebook to unfriend coal | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. Sustainability i...

greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

Greenpeace International Home | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. We did the resea...

greenpeace.org greenpeace.org

Solution: an eco-farming revolution | Greenpeace International


This field is mandatory! Africa - Congo (Français). Africa - Senegal (Français). Africa - South Africa (English). Papua New Guinea (English). Perú (Español). The Bombing of the Rai. Greenpeace and the Law. Work for Greenpeace In. End oil and gas. Fit for the future. Our oceans and seas. Which fish can I eat? Problem: Our Food Syst. 12 Things You Can Do. What you can do. Save the Heart of the . Demand justice for the. Stop the Chiloé, Chile. Stand in solidarity wi. Make Big Polluters Pay. Eco-farming comb...






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Require once(/home/content/90/4086590/html/heartoftheactor/wp-settings.php) [ function.require-once. Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/90/4086590/html/heartoftheactor/wp-config.php. Require once() [ function.require. Failed opening required '/home/content/90/4086590/html/heartoftheactor/wp-settings.php' (include path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/content/90/4086590/html/heartoftheactor/wp-config.php.

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Heart of the Amazon

Heart of the Amazon. The city of Manaus is located where the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimões come together to form the mighty Amazon River. Monday, May 31, 2010. There is hardly a longer route than Tokyo to Sao Paulo, and it usually. Involves a mandatory stopover in the U.S. Tokyo to the U.S. is about 13. Hours and going on to Sao Paulo is an extra 9. Ive written before to. Comment on the fact that the largest hardship is going through U.S. Security, where the system treats ticketed passengers first like.

heartoftheamazon.org heartoftheamazon.org

English Greenpeace International – Heart of the Amazon – Save the Heart of the Amazon

English Greenpeace International – Heart of the Amazon. Save the heart of the Amazon. The Indigenous Munduruku people have been fighting for the right to protect their traditional lands in the Amazon for decades - and this month. The Brazilian government could finally decide their case. If the Munduruku win, they will be able to protect. The heart of the Amazon from a series of monster dams that would otherwise flood the area - destroying ancestral lands and rare wildlife. Stand with the Munduruku. Hydro...

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Heart of the Andes - Your adventure will be life changing - Mountain Tours, Mountain Gear :: Ecuador - Bolivia

Heart of the Andes is one of the few agencies that specialize in high-quality mountaineering tours in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. These tours are uniquely geared to meet the needs of our clients. We are one of the few climbing companies that offers complete rock, snow, and ice training courses taught by professional guides certified by ASEGUIM. Our guarantee of quality is backed up by professional and technical know-how. 593) 9 330 6443.

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Grow a Mountain Garden Project. Ten years ago, the founders of Heart Walk Foundation learned that the Native Q’ero people of Peru were at risk of starvation. Over the last decade, Heart Walk Foundation. Has partnered with several Q’ero tribes to develop projects for food security and improved nutrition. That the people can sustain themselves on their ancestral mountain homelands for years to come. Join our effort to Grow a Mountain Garden. What Your Donation Will Provide. Hose for watering plants.

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Heart of the Ark | Welcome

A New Apple iOS App. That Celebrates Our Connection to Animals. Heart of the Ark™. TO LEARN MORE and PURCHASE, VISIT:.

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Heart of the Art Home Page

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Heart of the Art | To the Heart of Living Systems

Heart of the Art. To the Heart of Living Systems. The Four Player Model developed by David Kantor is at . Kantor – 4 Player Model. Myron Rogers NHS workshop communities of practice . Video NHS Communities of Practice (learning and workshop day). Myron Roger's Systems Leadership Workshop . Myron Rogers Systems Leadership Workshop (Video). When you consult to a system who is your client? The ethics of systems leadership. A Simpler Way- a brief meditation on organizations as living systems .